Phonics - Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc Phonics, is a highly successful literacy programme created by Ruth Miskin and published by Oxford University Press.
At Forge Wood Primary School, we use the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc. phonics programme (RWI). RWI is a comprehensive literacy programme, weaving decoding, comprehension, writing and spelling together seamlessly. The teaching programme, rigorous assessment, tracking and one-to-one tutoring ensure that we guarantee progress for every child. For information and tutorials on how to support your child learning to read go to:
Phonics is taught to children from Reception to Year 2. From the spring term of Reception, the children are organised in groups by phonic ability level across the years rather than by age. Some children in Year 3 who require phonics will also have access to the programme. Phonics is taught for one hour daily.
During the sessions we use pure sounds, (‘m’ not ‘muh’, ’s’ not ‘suh’, etc.) so that children will be able to blend the sounds into words with ease. This video will show you how to pronounce pure sounds from Set 1 Sounds through to Set 3.
The programme uses decodable books linked to the sounds they have been taught. These are used in the daily sessions and the children take them home to read to their family. We encourage a minimum of reading these books three times to develop their fluency. Children also take home a book bag book which is of the same level but hasn’t been read in school previously. QR codes are sent home to practice reading sounds at speed and to develop oral blending.
All staff who deliver the RWI programme have been trained, which gives them the skills, knowledge and confidence to plan, deliver and assess phonics to a high standard. Our phonics lead runs coaching sessions with all staff who deliver the program to ensure the highest delivery and for consistency.
Children that find phonics challenging and struggle to read will receive an additional 1:1 tutoring session during the school day through Fast Track Phonics. Children in Years 3, 4 and 5 who are not yet secure with their phonics will take part in a 30 minute daily session focusing on learning the sounds and applying them in their reading and writing.
Children in Year 1 take part in the Governments Phonics Screening Check during the month of June. This check is an informal task carried out 1:1 with a teacher to provide information that the children are making progress within phonics to become a fluent reader. It is a list of 40 words presented as real words and pseudo words (e.g. brip, snorp) to see if children are using their phonics to read the words. Children who don’t meet the standard in Year 1 will retake the check in Year 2.